WW2 Log Book Entries

Excerpts from the Pilots Flying Log Books of Squadron Leader James Joseph ‘Orange’ O’Meara, WW2 Spitfire Ace.

August 1940

8th August 1940 – 3 HE111 Damaged
10th August 1940 – 1 ME109 Damaged
11th August 1940 – 1 ME109 On Fire
11th August 1940 – 1 ME109 Probable
13th August 1940 – 1 ME109 Probable
14th August 1940 – 1 ME109 Confirmed

September 1940

29th September 1940 – 1 JU88 On Fire, Confirmed
30th September 1940 – 1 JU88 Probably Destroyed
30th September 1940 – 1 ME109 Damaged

‘This fellow blew up nicely just at the trailing edge of wing roots. I did not watch the rear half falling, but the forward half spun down until the wings tore off, and then did a peculiar rotating movement until it crashed. Two of the Huns jumped and were taken prisoner’

9th February 1941

‘Went on a weather recco to Calais. Flew up the coast to Knocke flew inland and eventually attacked Flak ship off the canal mouth. Hit the bridge. Heavy air fire from ship and land.’

Newspaper Cutting detailing the encounter – Spitfires, Gun Ship, Troops

Two Spitfires carried out an offensive patrol over the Calais area yesterday, states the Air Ministry. One shot up an A. A. gun position in a field and machine gunned troops; the other raked a ship.The fight pilots separated over the enemy coast and one sighted three gun emplacements in a field. He swooped down and caught about 25 German soldiers crossing the field.He raked them with bullets and then fired into one of the gun positions.

Terrific Barage

He pulled out of the dive and joined up with his fellow spitfire which then dived on a ship. The ship put up a terrific barrage, but the pilot barged through it and machine-gunned the decks. Meanwhile the first pilot came down to 200ft and machine-gunned a launch.

17th February 1941

‘While patrolling off Dover with Paddy Barthropp, ignominiously shot down by 109’s, which I did not see either before or after the attack. Landed in a chicken run north of Folkstone’

One response to “WW2 Log Book Entries”

  1. Hello,

    with colleagues working on decals for model aircraft and preparing decal sheet for “Aces Spitfire Mk. I – II”. We would love to decals for Spitfire P8084 which flew the F/L J.J. O’Meara in April-October 1941, 64 Squadron. We have a photo on his personal aircraft P8084, but not seen Individual letter the aircraft prior to the designation SH. On the website you excerpts from the Log Book, you have available for months April to October 1941 when J.J. O’Meara flew regularly P8084 and tell us a personal letter according to log book for Spitfire P8084? Much would help us with your information.

    Photos F / L J.J. O’Meara with Spitfire P8084 SH-???, 64 Squadron, airport Hornchurch

    Thank you and best regards

    Michal Krechowski

    P.S. I apologize for my bad English

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Paris Match – 9th May 1940
WW2 Log Book Entries
Military Awards

    If you have any information or militaria relating to Squadron Leader James O'Meara please get in touch!